Festive Red Poinsettia for the Winter Holidays
The festive red Poinsettia is part of the traditional decorations at the winter holidays, and along with the ornamented Christmas tree, it warms up our hearts and brighten our spirits.
* Poinsettia is also called the Christmas Star, because of it’s beautiful shape.
I took this photo of a red poinsettia winter decoration in Las Vegas in one of the many luxurious stores beautifully decorated for the season. I liked the traditional deep reds, lights and greens around it, so I made it as a digital watercolor for a more festive look, and uploaded it to my gallery at the Fine Art America, known for the best prints quality.
The festive red poinsettia art prints
You can choose from a variety of frames, mats and sizes, and here is what it can look like on the wall with a green mat and golden frame for this season holidays:
In terms of wall decor, the pictures can be framed, or printed on canvas, metal, acrylic or wood. Just click on the pictures:
Several gift ideas are also available, just browse the list of available images. For now however, I decided to show some just for the holiday season. Surprise! π Would you like some holidays ornaments? The print masters at FAA utilize wood – a natural material to make these little cute “toys”. What a great idea! The ornaments have a string for hanging, plus a magnet in the back for your fridge.. Here are some, but there are more:
Festive Red Poinsettia Ornaments
I love poinsettias, so I created some more images for my Fine Art America gallery. Here are three more examples, also available in all versions of prints and gift ideas. Just click on them to see all the options!
Like Ornaments? Here they are π Just click on them and they are yours:
Red Holiday Poinsettia Ornaments
Red Poinsettia stylized art Ornaments
More Poinsettia winter decoration art prints
This poinsettia below is not red, but is very decorative and I made a version with text on it, too
Wooden decorations
Pink and red poinsettia in the wild
Here is a picture of a wild poinsettia I photographed in Oaxaca, Mexico from the first floor of a building. I uploaded it to my Society6 art gallery, where it’s available as art prints:

I’d like to suggest 3 products, available only in my gallery, that I think would make good gift ideas for the winter holidays. For instance: a Chiller, a set of Coasters or a Throw Blanket. But when you click on them you will be able to see more ideas to chose from

This is the season of greetings and gifts, and yes, sure the 3 gift ideas suggested above are also available for this image of classic red poinsettias in my Society 6 gallery.
… But what about a nice Wall Tapestry just for the holidays time?

Let’s brighten our holidays season with some festive reds! Also check my other gift ideas for Holidays and Celebrations on my Giftsmart site…
I did not know this flower is Mexican, and neither did I know that it was known as the Christmas star, .
Thank you π
I read about this someplace π I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it looks like a star…
I’m sure it must be, and it seems to be universal at Christmastime π
I always loved Poinsettias, and I’ve seen them in Mexico. They grow quite high.
I hope someone posts a photograph of fully grown, sounds amazing, π
I’ll have to check into my archives for one. I thought about this, but it is not really festive – it’s just about flowers…
If itβs red itβs festive! π
OK…, You are right! That’s why I made my GiftSmart logo red π
My favourite colour!
I can see this in your picture π
You should have seen what we nearly went with!
I will. But hey, I found two photos of Poinsettias in the wild in Mexico π