Cute Giant Iguana in Belize

Climbing giant iguana

This is a real cute giant Iguana in Belize – No joke. I know it’s a little incredible to see that something like this exists, but it is absolutely real! It was there, flesh and bones πŸ™‚ I couldn’t believe myself when I first saw it either πŸ™‚ Fortunately we were in a boat on …

Water Blessing

Maple leaves after the rain

Water Blessing is the name I gave to this photo taken after a summer rain in Nova Scotia Canada. I have to confess that I have no idea about the name of this pink flower. I think it’s a kind of Lilly flower, but I’m not sure. There were several growing in the front yard …

Releasing baby turtles into the Pacific Ocean in Mexico

Releasing Baby Turtles into Water - Collage Art Print

It was one kind of experience to participate in at  “El Tortugario” Ecological Center in Cuyutlan, Mexico.It is called “hatchling”, and a lot of one-day-old baby turtles were released into the Pacific Ocean from the nursery. This is an event that attracts locals and tourists every year. People simply come to assist these little creatures …