Old rusty truck covered by snow

Old rusty truck covered by snow

I saw and photographed this old rusty truck covered by snow in Glasgow Montana. It’s a nice Chevrolet quietly sleeping under the snow cover by the side of a road. I have to confess that couldn’t differentiate it from any other vehicles brands without seeing its shiny chrome sign. It was proudly showing up from …

The Ghost Rider

The Ghost Rider Black and White motion blur photography

I called this photo The Ghost Rider because it looks like a nebulous thing passing by… 🙂 This was an example of motion blur photography I gave in my article: “To Focus or Not To Focus” at Travelways.com. Sometimes I like playing with this kind of shooting.  It’s not only fun, but the results are …

Evening rush hour at the bus stop

Evening rush hour at the bus station silhouettes

The evening rush hour is a common thing in our daily life. This urban quotidian event can be however an interesting subject to observe. As busy at it is, it unites for a few minutes people of various ages, conditions, sexes, or cultures… It is even more interesting to capture it against the last rays …